Responsive Restyling for the site of CinemaInCentro

CicoNET collaborated with Caterweb for the responsive restyling of the CinemaInCentro website, a lively Romagna company that manages several cinemas in Romagna (the Cinema Sarti and the Cinema Italia in Faenza, the Cinema Centrale in Imola, the Cinema Mariani in Ravenna), various summer outdoor cinemas (the Rocca Brancaleone in Ravenna, the Cinema sotto i 3 colli in Brisighella and the Arena in Massa in Massalombarda), as well as various cinematographic initiatives, even outside Romagna, like Cinemadivino.
Keeping the software system previourly developed (and later improved several times), the site has been restyled to make it easily accessible from mobile devices, immediately obtaining excellent feedbacks in terms of traffic and visibility on search engines.