App Iader Fabbri version 3.0.0

For tablets and smartphones Apple iOS and Google Android

Some screenshots of the App
Written Monday October 07 2019

Pubblished the new version of the App Iader Fabbri, developed by CicoNET, in the App Store for Apple iOS (iPhone and iPad), and in Google Play for Android smartphones and tablets.

This new version adds the new function "Chat" that completes the support services for clinical and online video conferencing visits provided by Iader Fabbri: the messages written by App users arrive on the management software used by Iader Fabbri and his staff to allow easy, flexible and rapid answers to users questions. This brings a better service during all the period of the services, instead only during visits.

When Iader Fabbri or his staff answer, the App user receive a notification (another novelty of this version) so he can rapidly read that answer.