Acupuncture Medical Ambulatory

Web site developed

Web site home page
Written Monday June 29 2009

CicoNET developed all the web site of the Acupunture Medical Ambulatory of Doctor Amedeo Rossetti situated in Villanova di Bagnacavallo (Ravenna - RA).

The site, furnishing useful information about the acupuncture ambulatory, collect some very interesting informations about this traditional chinese medicine and about its effective qualities accepted by the World Health Organization.

Interesting is the choice to follow the Italian words by the corrensponding chinese ideograms, giving a tribute to this very old, but effective medical technique.



Italiano Written by Danilo Cicognani Tuesday August 04 2009
Ciao Amedeo,
ti contatto via email.

Italiano Written by amedeorossetti@liber Tuesday July 21 2009
Ciao Danilo.. spero tu stia facendo buone Vacanze. Io come vedi sto migliorando nell'uso del web.... Aspetto sempre quando sarai tornato a disposizione... che tu mi aggiunga nell'hpme page.. anche il logo e la pagina "partners". A presto Amedeo

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