Custom software development

Software house for the development of management software designed and tailored with web-based or Windows platform solutions.

CicoNET can help you with web solutions, office automation solutions, client software solutions and client-server solutions.


Last solutions provided by CicoNET

Image generated with Artificial Intelligence20 years of quality software solutions
CicoNET turns 20!
Written Wednesday December 27 2023

When I started working on my own in 2004, I didn't know if I would really be able to manage a business all on my own, taking care of marketing, commercial and administrative aspects, as well as analysis and design of websites and software development, activities in which I had already been expert for several years.

After 20 years I can certainly say that I have made it!

Some screenshots of the AppNew version of management software and App San Gaetanino
Visit calendar, integration with Ricetta Elettronica Veterinaria and integration with WhatsApp
Written Wednesday December 27 2023

Developed new features for the management software for veterinarians and veterinary clinics and for the San Gaetanino App for San Gaetanino STP SRL Veterinary Clinic in Ravenna: these features are now available inside CicoPET software.

In particular, a visit management calendar, integration with the Italian Electronic Veterinary Prescription system and integration with WhatsApp for sending notifications have been developed.

The App is available on App Store for Apple iOS (iPhone and iPad) and in Google Play for smartphones and tablets Android.

A screenshot of the softwareManagement software for a physiotherapy center
Management of all patient records
Written Friday January 14 2022

CicoNET has developed a customized management software for the management of patient records of the Aneco physiotherapy center in Faenza.

The software allows you to archive personal data, but also all health data useful for carrying out physiotherapy treatments: medical requests with attachments, instrumental tests with attachments, medical history, physiotherapy evaluation, functional evaluation, therapies carried out, control and maintenance program with attachments.

Some screenshots of the AppApp Iader Fabbri version 4.1.1
For tablets and smartphones Apple iOS and Google Android
Written Saturday October 23 2021

Pubblished the new version of the App Iader Fabbri, developed by CicoNET, in the App Store for Apple iOS (iPhone and iPad), and in Google Play for Android smartphones and tablets.

This new version adds an "FAQ" section to the "Chat" feature so that users can find answers to common questions more quickly.

Furthermore, the "Nutrigame" has finally been made available: a new feature that is the result of a very long analysis, design and development work, that allows users to generate and modify a weekly menu in complete autonomy, based on their physical characteristics, analyzed together with the staff by Iader Fabbri in outpatient visits or via video call and on the basis of their preferences for organizing the day and their eating styles and tastes.

Some screenshots of the AppSan Gaetanino App
For tablets and smartphones Apple iOS and Google Android
Written Wednesday May 05 2021

Connected to the management software for veterinarians and veterinary clinics developed for the San Gaetanino STP SRL Veterinary Clinic in Ravenna, this App allows the clinic's customers to receive up-to-date news and information on the services of the veterinary clinic and to access the health booklets of their animals to keep always under control the medical history and vaccinations and do not forget any necessary vaccinations.

The App is available on App Store for Apple iOS (iPhone and iPad) and in Google Play for smartphones and tablets Android.

A screenshot of the management systemManagement software for veterinarians and veterinary clinics
Written Wednesday May 05 2021

CicoNET has developed a customized software for the management of the San Gaetanino STP SRL Veterinary Clinic in Ravenna.

Entirely web-based, the software manages customers with their animals, with clinical history, vaccination history, health plans, reports, estimates, hospitalizations and discharges, with all the billing and the production of fully automated notifications for vaccination boosters that can be sent via email, SMS or via the connected App.

Some screenshots of the AppApp Iader Fabbri version 3.0.0
For tablets and smartphones Apple iOS and Google Android
Written Monday October 07 2019

Pubblished the new version of the App Iader Fabbri, developed by CicoNET, in the App Store for Apple iOS (iPhone and iPad), and in Google Play for Android smartphones and tablets.

This new version adds the new function "Chat" that completes the support services for clinical and online video conferencing visits provided by Iader Fabbri: the messages written by App users arrive on the management software used by Iader Fabbri and his staff to allow easy, flexible and rapid answers to users questions. This brings a better service during all the period of the services, instead only during visits.

When Iader Fabbri or his staff answer, the App user receive a notification (another novelty of this version) so he can rapidly read that answer.

Collaboration with CRM Team
Developments on platforms SUGAR CRM and Suite CRM
Written Monday October 07 2019

CicoNET has long collaborated with CRM Team for PHP development of customizations for the Customer Relationship Management open-source platforms SUGAR CRM and Suite CRM.

This collaboration adds more value to the skills of both in the CRM environment.

Some screenshots of the AppNew version of the App Iader Fabbri
For tablets and smartphones Apple iOS and Google Android
Written Friday March 08 2019

New version of the App Iader Fabbri developed by CicoNET and published both in the App Store for Apple iOS (iPhone and iPad), and in Google Play for Android smartphones and tablets.

This new version shows many innovations:

  • the section "News" with articles and video presented by Iader Fabbri;
  • the function "Foto Piatto" that allows to take and share a photo of a dish indicating the main food that composes it and receiving a simple traffic light evaluation;
  • the function "Prima & Dopo" that allows to keep track of the weight, circumference and fat mass in time, realizing some nice animations that compare the photos taken before and after the diet;
  • the section "Grafici" showing in graphical form the trends of all monitored analytical data.

The collaboration with Injenia continues
Google partner company
Written Friday March 08 2019

The collaboration between CicoNET and Injenia continues for the fourth year, Google partner company, for research and development of products and software solutions in Java on Google App Engine and JasperReports platforms and in PHP on open source and cloud based platforms SUGAR CRM and Suite CRM.