- Web site developmentWeb designer to create dynamic web sites, tailored to suit your needs and characteristics of the market, always up to date and easy to manage.
- Mobile friendly site developmentDevelopment of responsive web sites that adapt to the screen size of the device you use: to be perfect on smartphones and tablets, to compete effectively in today's and tomorrow's markets.
- Optimization and positioning on Google (SEO)Analysis and research of the best keywords for your market and application of the best optimization strategies for a good ranking of web sites on search engines.
- App development for smartphones and tabletsDevelopment of customized Apps optimized for smartphones and tablets Apple iPhone and iPad (iOS), Android and Windows, care for the graphic designer, publishing on the App Store and promotion.
- Web Marketing Campaigns (SEM)Customized promotional campaigns for the products or services to promote, Pay-per-click (PPC advertising) on Google AdWords optimized for maximum effectiveness.
- Custom software developmentSoftware house for the development of management software designed and tailored with web-based or Windows platform solutions.
- Web site restylingUpdate of existing websites to the latest industry standards to avoid losing competitiveness reaching all of your potential customers.
- Social Media Marketing (SMM)Creation, customization and management of the social profile of your company on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube, ... Setting up and management of social advertising campaigns.
Last solutions provided by CicoNET
In cooperation with CambiamentiWeb, CicoNET developed the web site of the exclusive Country resort Corte San Ruffillo in the hills near Forlì, using the CMS Web Portal Now.
The new site of MIC (International Museum of Ceramics in Faenza)
Cooperating with CambiamentiWeb, CicoNET realized a graphical and functional restyling of the site of MIC, International Museum of Ceramics in Faenza.
This time all the reference to the old site were removed, completing the contents of the new site, and all the contents were reorganized for a more practical and functional navigation of the site, a little while ago nomined by UNESCO as "Monument for a peace culture".
Web site of T-ERRE
As a volutary work, CicoNET developed the new dynamic site of T-ERRE, ONG that manages Responsibility Travels.
The site is developed with the highly configurable CMS (Content Management System) Web Portal Now.
Fair and Market of Tastes
Functional update for Fair and Market of Tastes, site entirely developed by CicoNET in the past: added a complete products catalog with electronic cart to buy with an e-commerce system..
Now tisanes, teas, herbs and spices selected by Fair and Market of Tastes are buyable also online!
With the graphic project of the agency A3, CicoNET developed the site ofVIARA, company that produces bag making machines for large and small plastic bags.
CicoNET developed the site and the dynamic areas: products, services, sales agents, news and second hand.
With the graphical and functional project of Fanelligrafica itself, CicoNET developed the entire site with a compex administration system that allow the modify "on the fly" of the visualization of the various projects sheet of Fanelligrafica depending on the presentation needs for the project itself.
The system is completely dynamic and uses an interaction with the administration, the public area, the reserved area and some Flash elements.
Cooperating with Caterweb and project by Skeda.com, CicoNET developed the dynamic parts of the site of Impex, business agency for wine product consulting and brokerage.
CicoNET developed the news area and the quotations section.
Montini Forklift
With strategic project, graphic development and coordination of Lelli & Associati, CicoNET developed all the dynamic parts of the new site of Montini Forklift, dynamic italian company that develop the only forklift with shock absorbers.
The web portal of CinemaInCentro
Developed in cooperation with Caterweb, the new portal of CinemaInCentro, that manages the two theaters of the center of Faenza (Sarti and Italia), the Mariani theater in Ravenna, the Cinema Centrale in Imola, the Arena Borghesi and other movie activities, is an animated mix of updated informations about programmed movies and advanced communication functions.
Nolo Attrezzature
With project, coordination and graphic design of CambiamentiWeb, CicoNET devolped the site of Nolo Attrezzature, entirely dynamic site with renting product catolog, electronic cart and system to send estimate requests