Last solutions provided by CicoNET

Home page of the siteSEDI - Enterprises data processing company
Web site completely renew
Written sabato luglio 10 2010

Basing on the strategic project, graphic development and coordination of Lelli & Associati, CicoNET realized the dynamic partes of the new site of SEDI, Società Elaborazione Dati Imprese (enterprises data processing company), that do accounting, fiscal and finacial consulting for firms, expecially for agricultural ones.

The complex system developed by CicoNET allow to easily manage all the dynamic data of the site, expecially the rich reserved area for associated and registered users, with tons of useful informations for them.


Keser Italia
Special Materials for Ceramic Industry
Written martedì maggio 04 2010

In cooperation with Progetto Aroma, that made the project and the develop of the web site, CicoNET did the optimization (SEO) and the positioning (web marketing) of the web site of Keser Italia, company that produces hi-tech customized products for the specific needs of the ceramic industries.

After giving customized consulting, Keser Italia produces save roller engobe, anti-scratch protective, CMC glue for glaze, third-firing grits, binder for body and resin for bonding of special ceramic pieces.


The "inflatable" and "fluttering" web siteDiamante Mongolfiere
Developed the new dynamic web site
Written giovedì aprile 22 2010

CicoNET has entirely developed the dynamic web site of Diamante Mongolfiere, a company that project, develop and sells hot air ballons and advertaising inflatables.

Viewing the particular activity of Diamante Mongolfiere, CicoNET has developed an "inflatable" and "fluttering" site, that well represent the activity of this company.
The site is dynamic and managed directly by the customer.


The home pageSocietà Ciclistica Faentina
Published the new dynamic web site
Written mercoledì marzo 24 2010

After a long waiting and various difficulties with the previous developers, the Società Ciclistica Faentina entrusted CicoNET to develop and publish her dynamic web site.

The site was developed with the CMS (Content Management System) Web Portal Now 3.0 and allow the amateurish sporting company to alwasy give up to date news to associates and reporters.


SEO and web marketing for Consar
Optimization and promotion of the web site
Written sabato marzo 06 2010

CicoNET is working on the positioning of the web site of Consar, Consorzio Autotrasportatori Ravenna for a better placement in the search engines.


Web site home pageAcupuncture Medical Ambulatory
Web site developed
Written lunedì giugno 29 2009

CicoNET developed all the web site of the Acupunture Medical Ambulatory of Doctor Amedeo Rossetti situated in Villanova di Bagnacavallo (Ravenna - RA).

The site, furnishing useful information about the acupuncture ambulatory, collect some very interesting informations about this traditional chinese medicine and about its effective qualities accepted by the World Health Organization.


Home page at the online timePalio del Niballo
The site of the traditional Palio di Faenza
Written venerdì maggio 29 2009

At the 50th year of the foundation of the event, CicoNET cooperated with CambiamentiWeb to develop the web site of the traditional Palio del Niballo di Faenza (such as of the Bigorda d'oro and the Torneo delle Bandiere).

All informations about this important event, that every year is thrilling thousands of fan of the five "rioni" of Faenza (rione bianco, rione giallo, rione nero, rione rosso e rione verde), can be found online in a complete web site.


Lesson about Portlets and SEO and web marketing at the University of Bologna
Written venerdì maggio 29 2009

I was called to do two lessons at the University of Bologna, seat of Cesena, where I got my university degree since 10 years ago.

The first lesson was about the Java Portlets standard, the second one was about SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and web marketing.


Ascom Ravenna
Delivered the new document management system
Written mercoledì aprile 15 2009

Since one month, Ascom Ravenna uses the news document management system developed by CicoNET.

The system let the comme association of merchants manage and archive all the communications with associated and public administrations and all the documentation mantained for the associated itself. The system manages also all the appointments of all the more than 100 operators of the association that all days use the software, using a shared calendar.


The new site of the parishSanta Lucia delle Spianate parish
Written mercoledì aprile 15 2009

As a benefic work, CicoNET realized for free the site of the parish of Santa Lucia delle Spianate in Faenza (RA, Italy).

The site, entirely dynamic, will let the people of the parish know every events and activities of the parish and to comment the main activities organized by the parish.
