Last solutions provided by CicoNET

Home page of the siteDuck breading and sale
Restyling for the site of Demis Cicognani
Written lunedì ottobre 06 2008

CicoNET developed the new site of the duck breading and sale by Demis Cicognani in Bagnacavallo (RA - Italy). The site is all in Italian and shows the ducks breaded by Demis derived from mallard ducks (Anas platyrhyncos).

The site was previously developed by the customer and only hosted, but now it's all new and developed by CicoNET who made the graphic, the copy writing, the search engine optimization (SEO) and also started a web marketing campaign.


Province of Ravenna
Office Automation Courses
Written mercoledì giugno 04 2008

The Province of Ravenna rely to CicoNET to organize and teach in some Office Automation courses for the employees of the province.


The page of the tour operator sectionViaggi Generali
The new dynamic web site is online
Written giovedì marzo 13 2008

Viaggi Generali is a tour operator specialized on hotel and tourist packets booking for the Adriatic Coast of Emilia Romagna, Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia and is also a travel agency of Ravenna.

CicoNET realized the new dynamic site of this important operator of the tourist market.


Site home pagePublished the Consar site
Carrier consortium for the logistics and integrated transport
Written martedì febbraio 19 2008

CicoNET cooperated to realize the new site of Consar, carrier consortium for the logistics and integrated transport in Italy and in Europe.

The dynamic part of the site: downloads and reserved area, was realized by CicoNET.



Site home pagePublished the Grar site
Dynamic goods transport and handling company
Written venerdì dicembre 07 2007

CicoNET cooperated to realize the new site of Grar, an italian dynamic goods transport and handling company based in Ravenna. It operates in the sector of goods distribution in urban areas and boasts a fleet of eco-friendly vehicles and qualified personnel.

The dynamic part of the site: downloads and reserved area, was realized by CicoNET.
